• Creating magic by working with wool to birth your own Wild Wool Collar. We will spend a few hours learning how to structure, felt and finish the collars.

    They are all unique, wild crafted by hands full of Wild spirt. Wearing something like this brings out your inner warrior and witch, so I just hope you’re all prepared for that little bit of WILD to unleash.

    “What is the key to saving the world?”

    She answered,

    “You. You are they key. Heal yourself, know yourself, make yourself whole and free. Release all limits so that your love can flow unconditionally for yourself and the world, this will open the heaven of your heart completely and it will guide you without fail."!

    Yung Pueblo You are the answer.

  • $100

  • Lekawehatie Kneafsey

    Wild Wool Shepherdess is a shepherd who creates unique, wild and rugged woven rugs, tanned leather hides, Felted sheeprugs and Wild Woman Collars with wool harvested from her own flock of organic, heritage breed sheep which conservation graze hay meadows to help support our declining wildlife and improve soil structure. A practitioner of traditional, ancestral skills is now teaching small holders and individuals through workshops and retreats how to bring back value to wool and live more sustainably in harmony and connection with our land, wildlife, waters and Mother Nature. She is also a guardian of Wolves and wild Birds.

Wild Wool Collar Making Workshop


Ancient Craft Hide Tanning Workshop


Sacred Lotus Yoni Gem Ritual & Devotional Dance