• Journey through the 12 Archetypes: Ever wonder WHY Sagittarius loves to travel, or WHY Gemini is so talkative and curious? This astrology talk takes a deep dive to understand these characters on a psychological level, removing the masks to get down to what makes these archetypes tick. Journey through the 12 Archetypes explores the zodiac Aries to Pisces as the ancient story of the Hero's Journey- understanding this sequence is the cornerstone of understanding psychological astrology, and will enhance your relationship to this sacred art science in leaps and bounds.

  • Alex of Coyote Star Astrology

    Alex is an Evolutionary Astrologer and Intuitive who has been studying Astrology for over twenty years. Prior to making Astrology her career, Alex studied Psychology, and is now best known for her unique approach fusing both to bring powerful holistic healing within client sessions. Alex teaches workshops and retreats all over the world.

Journey through the 12 Archetypes




The Death Cafe - An Exploration of the End