• A guided self massage treatment of your breast, belly and pelvic bowl aimed to resolve symptoms & pain, restore/awaken a deeper connection with your body, and initiate rituals for women’s wellness that will last your lifetime (and can be passed down and shared with those you love).

  • Kate Coletti

    I help women restore pelvic health through intravaginal manual therapy that softens and strengthens tissues, relieves symptoms, and clairvoyantly taps into the well of wisdom that resides in the root.

    I have been a dedicated student and practitioner of manual therapies since 2001, a teacher of prenatal yoga & birth preparation since 2005, and began catching babies as a Licensed Midwife in California in 2007.

    Today, I have a full-time healing practice that focuses on women's health. My advanced trainings in Holistic Pelvic Care™ with Tami Kent, Pelvic Rehabilitation with Herman & Wallace, Visceral Manipulation with Barral Institute, Craniosacral Therapy with Hugh Milne, and Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy with Rosita Arvigo, along with my midwifery experience & intuitive understanding, help us get to the root of your pelvic issues and bring deep, lasting healing.

Breast, Belly, & Bowl:

A Manual Medicine Journey


Pleasure and Resilience in Motherhood


Kundalini Inner Cosmos