Dive into community and leadership dynamics using principles from Starhawk's Empowerment Manual. This philosophy merges the 4 directions, the 4 elements, and animal symbolism as a template for organizing collaborative groups. As we realize the importance of living in community we can strive to embody earth based philosophies to facilitate developing healthy patterns and diverse leadership structures when people gather together to co-create. This workshop will be lecture style with priority placed on sharing insights we might have along the way and reflecting on our experiences in community.
Celia Hale
I am dedicated to the path of discovery the earth brings when we wonder of another way to live and connect with our surroundings.
I live in Costa Rica, growing a living farm project. My partner and I work to build gardens, regenerate degraded pasture land, make herbal medicine, experiment with natural building and art techniques, and build community. I prioritize food, medicine, and water sovereignty, to create spaces where people can collect land based knowledge, as well as planting a living seed bank and a sanctuary for biodiversity that advocates for the importance of human stewardship and creativity as a force of regeneration and vitality for all.
One of my central values is to transmit the knowledge that has been shared with me. I believe education to be the root of change and activism. I am passionate about bringing information through the mind and into the body, the heart, and then to the earth and to our communities.
Bio-regional Smoke Bundles
Herbal Skin Care/Spa Day
Wild Wisdom of the Forest
Wild Wisdom of the Forest