A Dive into Cyclical Wisdom and our Hormonal Allies. A dive into what it means to be a cyclical woman. Be ready to explore and embody through dance our monthly sexual hormones and the radiance they provide when we receive their wisdom, tend to their flow and support their nourishment.
Maite Onochie
Maite Onochie has, for the past 20 years, been in service to the early primal continuum of Life, in different capacities, countries/regions and facets. Today, being in service to the Goddess, to the Feminine Principle of Life, is primarily expressed through Mothering. Maite is also a fervent womb ceremonialist and full spectrum birthkeeper, with a special passion in holding space and offering support during the preconception years to providing care during the tender and transformational postpartum period.
Solar Woman
Solar Woman