Clays, coffee, honey, oils, and herbs we will blend together to make cleansing and nourishing herbal skin and hair treatments. Then we will make our way to the river for a wild river spa day. Tending to our bodies using whole, natural ingredients while practicing mindful self-care and celebrating being embodied on this earth.
Celia Hale
I am dedicated to the path of discovery the earth brings when we wonder of another way to live and connect with our surroundings.
I live in Costa Rica, growing a living farm project. My partner and I work to build gardens, regenerate degraded pasture land, make herbal medicine, experiment with natural building and art techniques, and build community. I prioritize food, medicine, and water sovereignty, to create spaces where people can collect land based knowledge, as well as planting a living seed bank and a sanctuary for biodiversity that advocates for the importance of human stewardship and creativity as a force of regeneration and vitality for all.
One of my central values is to transmit the knowledge that has been shared with me. I believe education to be the root of change and activism. I am passionate about bringing information through the mind and into the body, the heart, and then to the earth and to our communities.
Bio-regional Smoke Bundles
Wild Wisdom of the Forest
The 4 Directions as a Template for Building Community
Bio-regional Smoke Bundles