Have you Been wanting to learn what is happening to your body every month?
You’ve gotten off hormonal birth control & want to reconnect to your natural rhythm?
You’ve been planning a pregnancy & it just hasn’t happened for you yet?
You are feeling big shifts throughout the month & want to understand what exactly is going on?
Gabby Dickerson-Alejandrino
Gabby Dickerson-Alejandrino is a Functional Hormone & Reproductive Health Coach and Fertility Awareness Educator. She is on a mission to help stay-at-home moms conquer their extreme fatigue, so they can feel their best for their children.
Gabby is passionate about educating women on their menstrual and reproductive health, so they have a better understanding of how their hormones impact their life. She's the founder of The Mama’s Fatigue Solution, a 90-day group coaching program designed for stay-at-home moms who want to reverse chronic fatigue holistically, so they can rejuvenate their energy & thrive in their daily routine. To learn more about this transformational program and how to work with Gabby, visit gabriellejeanette.com
Laughter Medicine & Primal Voice Liberation