Empower Others
& Share Your Passion

Do you have a unique skill or knowledge that can ignite the wild wisdom within others?
Origins is growing to offer an online platform where you can share your wisdom and inspire a passionate community dedicated to reconnecting with the Earth and ancestral wisdom.

Why Teach with Us?

Connect with Hearts around the World

Guide students on a journey of self-discovery and empower them to live in harmony with nature.

Be the Change you Wish to See

Join a thriving community committed to sustainability, cultural connection, and feminine leadership.

Nurture your Soul and Flourish your Finances

Design your own workshop at your preferred time and earn an equitable portion of each class fee (50%).

Ready to Share Your Gifts?

Here's How to Apply:

Fill out the application

Tell us about your workshop idea and its origins.


Commit to Teach

Upon acceptance, we'll provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to upload your recorded workshop to our portal, along with guidance on the next steps in the process.

Engage with our Community

Once you're prepared, we'll release your workshop & connect you with students ready to learn from your wisdom.

Our Recorded Workshop Reciprocity Breakdown

Within Origins, we believe in the power of reciprocity and honoring the contributions of all who are part of our community. Our goal in starting the online portal is to bring more financial security to our physical gathering, without needing to lose the intimacy of our gathering size. As such, we've crafted a thoughtful breakdown of how class fees are distributed:

Recorded Reciprocity Breakdown:
  • Flexible Schedule: Design your workshop and record it to fit your availability. Your workshop should be between 1-3 hours. It may include additional pieces like a materials list, pdf guide, e-book, etc. Your workshop will live on our portal, giving you freedom to choose how you'd like to self-promote while leaving the daily platform questions from attendees to our team.
  • Fair Compensation: Earn 50% of the class fees, with clear financial breakdowns ensuring honorable compensation for everyone. Whether 500 or 5000 of your workshops get sold, you'll receive 50% for each one.
Our Recorded Workshop Reciprocity Breakdown Explained

We deeply value the expertise and dedication of our mentors, who pour their hearts and souls into creating transformative learning experiences. Therefore, 50% of class fees are allocated directly to our beloved mentors, ensuring they are fairly compensated for their time, energy, and wisdom.

Origins Online Portal

A portion of class fees (30%) is reinvested into our Origins Online Portal, the sacred digital space where our community gathers to learn, grow, and connect. This allocation supports the ongoing maintenance and development of our platform, ensuring that it remains a vibrant hub for learning and inspiration.


We recognize and honor the wisdom of our indigenous elders, whose teachings and guidance enrich our collective journey. To express our gratitude and support their vital work, 10% of class fees are dedicated to bringing indigenous elders to our physical gatherings, where they can share their ancestral knowledge and wisdom with our community.

Mamas & Scholarships

We recognize the vital role of mamas and the significance of scholarships in fostering an inclusive and supportive environment. In our financial breakdown, we ensure fairness by allocating 10% of class fees to our esteemed mamas and BIPOC scholarships recipients. Join us in honoring our commitment to equity and abundance as we continue to cultivate a thriving community together.

Our Live Workshop Reciprocity Breakdown

We are thrilled you're inspired to teach a live workshop or series! We hope this inspires you to also created a recorded workshop that will be more easily accessible to many more women. Our hope is that the live workshops serve as a catalyst for women to want to become more active in this portal.

Live Reciprocity Breakdown:

We are creating a new bracket of monthly membership within our portal that will include access to all the live workshops offered.
The new $33 monthly membership price will include access to all our mentor's live workshops + our 2x monthly Empowering Wisdom Sessions, community hub, and discounts on recorded workshops (all a part of our $11/mo membership).

We feel $33 is a price that is accessible to all and hopefully gives us all wiggle room to make some $ with these live workshops + spread the knowledge as we are in this initial phase of growth for the online portal. 

For each live workshop you teach you will receive:
$5 for each student that arrives but does not complete the workshop (aka signs in then signs out),
$10 for each student that follows through with the full live workshop (if they leave 10min early that still counts as attendance)
So essentially your workshop commission will be based on the # of attendees in your live workshop.
We will also be working on a "royalty reciprocity" for views of the replay during the lifetime of your workshop living within our site. For now, we need some time for R&D to see how this breakdown will be possible.

Our reciprocity breakdown for live workshops is different that our recorded workshop model given that:

  1. it is a different marketing approach that we both must participate in to get attendees in the class
  2. while the replay will provide a glimpse of what the workshop was, the class was really meant for live attendees (so doesn't hold the same depth/experience in replays)
  3. live replays don't hold the same "shelf life" value as recorded workshops/series
We appreciate your trust as we navigate this new territory!
We share so much love and gratitude for you and your teachings
Be a part of something extraordinary as we navigate this virtual realm together