$44.00 USD

Sacred Fire by Friction

Recorded Workshop Release

Led by Taylor Conniff: Sacred Fire by Friction
Release Date: August 5, 2024

You will be guided into a serious of events where you will learn to connect with the element of Fire.

I will provide steps where you can go out as if you were your ancestors, walking your landscape with curiosity and reverence. You will have the tools you need to harvest the materials from the wild around you.

The goal is to make your Friction Fire! In this class you will need very few items to make this happen. I will be listing the tools and materials you will need for this workshop down bellow.

It will be a step by step process of harvesting, prepping and creating your Friction Fire. You will be prompted what to find in your area and you will get to know more what’s growing around you! I want to encourage you to improve as if you were in a survival situation. In the second video you will learn the “Bow Drill” technique. I will demonstrate what you will do to effectively generate a “coal”. It’s a very powerful process and it will and can take time, or it can take a minute!

This is a good opportunity to humble yourself and take your time, to really listen, move with care and presence. I am happy to be on this journey with you! You are being called to deepen connection to your wilderness, to learn an ancient skill that takes patience and intention. Thank you for choosing this class, I am excited for your journey.

Here we glow!